Open Courses at Our Slough Centre

2024 Workplace Courses

2024 Workplace Courses

October 14th Emergency First Aid at Work


The Emergency First Aid at Work (statutory) course complies with the current Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. Successful students receive certificates to show that they are qualified to be First Aiders in the workplace for the next three years.

October 14th - 15th First Aid at Work Requalification


The First Aid at Work (requalification) course requalifies and updates those who need to renew or requalify their statutory certificate. The course is for those with an existing certificate which will still be in date on the last day of the requalification course. The course complies with the current Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. Successful students receive certificates to show that they are qualified to be First Aiders in the workplace for the next three years.

October 14th - 15th Blended First Aid at Work


The First Aid at Work (statutory) course complies with the current Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. Successful students receive certificates to show that they are qualified to be First Aiders in the workplace for the next three years.

The Blended First Aid at Work course is split in to two parts; a six hour e-Learning component and then a two day tutor-led classroom based component.  The e-Learning component can be stopped and re-started, so does not have to be sat in one six hour session, but must be completed before the tutor-led classroom day!

November 11th Emergency First Aid at Work


The Emergency First Aid at Work (statutory) course complies with the current Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. Successful students receive certificates to show that they are qualified to be First Aiders in the workplace for the next three years.

November 11th - 12th First Aid at Work Requalification


The First Aid at Work (requalification) course requalifies and updates those who need to renew or requalify their statutory certificate. The course is for those with an existing certificate which will still be in date on the last day of the requalification course. The course complies with the current Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. Successful students receive certificates to show that they are qualified to be First Aiders in the workplace for the next three years.

November 11th - 12th Blended First Aid at Work


The First Aid at Work (statutory) course complies with the current Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. Successful students receive certificates to show that they are qualified to be First Aiders in the workplace for the next three years.

The Blended First Aid at Work course is split in to two parts; a six hour e-Learning component and then a two day tutor-led classroom based component.  The e-Learning component can be stopped and re-started, so does not have to be sat in one six hour session, but must be completed before the tutor-led classroom day!

December 9th Emergency First Aid at Work


The Emergency First Aid at Work (statutory) course complies with the current Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. Successful students receive certificates to show that they are qualified to be First Aiders in the workplace for the next three years.

December 9th - 10th First Aid at Work Requalification


The First Aid at Work (requalification) course requalifies and updates those who need to renew or requalify their statutory certificate. The course is for those with an existing certificate which will still be in date on the last day of the requalification course. The course complies with the current Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. Successful students receive certificates to show that they are qualified to be First Aiders in the workplace for the next three years.

December 9th - 10th Blended First Aid at Work


The First Aid at Work (statutory) course complies with the current Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. Successful students receive certificates to show that they are qualified to be First Aiders in the workplace for the next three years.

The Blended First Aid at Work course is split in to two parts; a six hour e-Learning component and then a two day tutor-led classroom based component.  The e-Learning component can be stopped and re-started, so does not have to be sat in one six hour session, but must be completed before the tutor-led classroom day!

December 17th Emergency First Aid at Work


The Emergency First Aid at Work (statutory) course complies with the current Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. Successful students receive certificates to show that they are qualified to be First Aiders in the workplace for the next three years.

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